
Thursday, June 26, 2008

There's a first time for everything


Funny how sometimes you don't notice massive outbreaks of modern technology even if it Bitch slaps you on the face every stinkin day.
Well that friends has happened to me with this blog thing. I can honestly say I'm very computer savvy (ya know the usual breaking codes, passwords, hacking here and there working with a trojan or two (laugh here)...But all this time I had not paid mind to the world of blogging.

All this time blogs on the news, web, public restrooms (we all have to pee don't we?)
and still I never paid attention.

So I guess in a moment of uncrafty weakness, I was lured to a blog in search of new ideas for invitations and design and lo and behold the world of blogging had held me captive in a world that seemed as fascinating to me as I guess the garden of Eden did to Adam & Eve.

I thunk for a minute.."Hey I can do this..." So here I am in a humble attempt at capturing your interests with my rants of quirkiness.

About Me (If you care):

Name: Vanessa
Age: 32 ( but to whoever doesn't see this I'm still 25)
born and raised New Yorker
PortuCube (Oh that's a Portuguese/Cuban)..that's me, with a degree in film and broadcasting and a self given degree in Craftiness.

Yes Craftiness...makes the world a happier place...I guess you can say I've been crafty all my life...thus bringing happiness to the world one craft at a time.

Yes of course I had other ambitions besides being crafty..I worked in the television and film world for some years, but due to life's unforseen events Ihad to bow out of that world.
What I do now is neither lucrative nor mind challenging but it's what I must do.

Couple of years ago a friend was getting married and needed in a state of CRAFTY NIRVANA I volunteered for the job at task

TO MAKE A LONG STORY SHORT (since I probably lost you during last's paragraph rant of self pity) received a lot of compliments on the invites and here I am today...designing and creating custom hand made invites and stationery for lovely people all across planet earth.

Well that's my story, I will try my darndest to keep this blog exciting and boring I try to be the next Martha Stewart of stationery (without going to the slammer)

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed this's always nice to learn new things about fellow bloggers. And the good thing is that, should you end up behind bars, you'll definitely be the most stylish PortuCube in the joint. So that's something ;)
