
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Super Heroes

Being the mommy of a 4 1/2 yr. old boy the time has come when my son is OBSESSED with superheroes. He decided he's going to be a new superhero everyday, which makes it quite hard to keep up with him....because the lil boss of me gets in a mood and has to correct us on who he is that day.
We just bought him the Marvel Comics Encyclopedia and the DC Comics Encyclopedia and I have to say that I am quite smitten with these books as well. Who knew there were so many superheroes?

I will admit that as a child I too was a tad obsessed with Superheroes...being a girl my favorite was Wonderwoman. I use to put on Reynolds aluminum foil on my wrists so I could have Wonder Woman's bracelets. (Yes..I am calling the theraphist as I write this)
I used to parade around the house with my aluminum foil on the wrists thinking I was the "bomb"

My son wanted to go see The Dark Knight...but we obviously said No, even though the hubby and I were dying to go see what does a responsible mother do....she buys a bootleg copy from a shady guy on the street. (hopefully I won't be sent to the slammer for admiting I bought a bootleg copy)

We watched the movie (not my son he was too busy watching the transformers (another one of his obsessions) on the other tv)

I have to say that the movie was great...I have to admit I wanted to see it because of Heath Ledger....and truly he was amazing. The movie was quite violent from start to finish so definitely not recommended for the little ones.

Now I'm off to raid the kitchen cabinets for aluminum foil and pretend I'm Wonder Woman fighting battles alongside of Spiderman (my son's superhero of choice today)


  1. My son is totally obsessed with Super Heroes as well. He's 4 1/2 too! Loves all of them, but Spidey is is all time fave! I have to admit Wonder Woman was my hero when I was a kid. Had a T-shirt with her on it and even had a doll. Under her uniform was her WW costume all painted on. I never thought of using aluminum foil for the bracelets!!! May have to try it...shhhhhh!!!

  2. Hehe! I am going to check out those books for my husband for Christmas, thanks for the idea!

