
Monday, July 7, 2008

What a Weeeeekend

Well where do I start? Hmm that I worked on Friday (yeah on the 4th of July) yeah that's what happens when you work for the family...(I'm not talking 'bout that kind of "FAMILY" even though I did feel like whackin some people ) this year the sucker who had to work on the 4th was lil ol' me....

Actually I didn't mind it that much since the hubs, my bouncing baby and I had not much planned and the weather here in NYC was kinda crappy....

So I got home and I thought I would have some food ready for me on the table (since the Hubs is the one who cooks in this family) Well was I in shock when I got home and neither one of them was here , no little note, no hot plate of some delicious something waiting for me...Nada, Zip, I was bitchin' (yeah to myself, since there was no one at my house to bitch too) finally the two swinging dudes came home.....and I decided to try and turn a new leaf and not complain that I busted my ass off at work and came home to NOTHING to eat!

We decided to go by the park later to see some of the Macy's fireworks...since you can see them by this park that's a mere couple of blocks from our house...but started to rain and we headed back and watched them on TV....

So then the hubs scooted all of us to bed since he wanted to trek the next morning to Wildwoods, NJ.

Yeah don't ask me why...guess he wanted to go on a little adventure....all I was thinking was that I would have to put a dent in my beauty sleep and get up early....

Honestly maybe I have been hiding under a rock all these past 33 yrs of my ever so young life...but I had never heard of Wildwood....

So my butt was awoken at 7am (yeah that's EXTREMELY early for me when I have a day off)

We proceeded to get everything ready and trek to this took about 3 long damn hours to get to this was in my opinion OK!

There was a beach and a boardwalk and rides (We could've saved those 3 hours and just gone to Coney Island)

The highlight for me was that at the Wildwood Convention Center they had some card and toy expo going on (admission was free) so we went in.....

And I happened to come across these:

Yes that's right ladies and gentleman....I was psyched that I took a 3 hour trip to find me some Garbage Pail Kids....don't know about you...but I must have had all these bad boys when I was a wee tot....scored me a few packs and we were on our merry way....
My bouncing baby boy appreciated the rides....and he had a good time so I guess that's all that matters!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man I loved Garbage Pail Kids when I was younger. My mom however found them repulsive and would not allow me to buy them, but my friends always gave me their duplicates. Those pictures still make me laugh. Guess a part of me will never grow up.
