
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Multiple Personality

My son is obsessed with Super Heroes and cars...yes I know he is of the male species and he is 4....but what do you say when your son comes up to you in the middle of August that he wants to wear a costume to go out?

Do you say well's August and it's hot and you will be all sweaty? or We only wear costumes on Halloween...or do you reach for the phone book and find the number to the nearest theraphist?

Actually...I love it....and the hubs and I are two suckers who have gone shopping for costumes in the middle of July and August....

I see it as a perfect Kodak moment not to mention a blackmail opportunity for the future when he tries to bring some hussy home! (Yeah that's right I'd blackmail my own son)

So far we have purchased a Spider Man and Bumbleebee Costume (for those of you sans little tykes) Bumblee is a transformer (you know a car that turns into a robot and vice versa) I just couldn't find the Bumblee bee picture at the moment....

The Thing costume (Fantastic Four people...get with it) I was lucky enough to purchase last summer along with some other costumes at a lovely back of the truck sale (wink, wink) Yes, I know I have no morals I paid a thief some money for stolen goods! But at least my son will have costumes to parade in, in the middle of summer! Listen I did it all for my boy!


  1. LOL!!
    He is too funny wearing The Thing costume :D

  2. I would don tights and a tutu and call it a day! Sounds like fun!

  3. and dont forget nudie baby bathtub pictures, those will be great for future blackmailing purposes too!

    So, I have to ask, where did you find the Bumblebee coustume, my son Brayden would LOVE that! - although I'm pretty sure he's set on being Luke Skywalker for halloween :-)

  4. These are hilarious! Speaking as the girl who would find a way to wear a costume for every school presentation---by senior year my locker was overflowing with feather boas, wigs and cowboy boots--I can totally understand where he's coming from.

    Though I think he pulls it off with more panache than I ever did. what a cutie pie you have on your hands!

  5. I LOVE it!
    My son, 4 as well, has walked around just about everywhere as Peter Pan. And let me tell you, he's not too pleased when people say, "Awww, LOOK it's Robin Hood!" He's got a look that can kill!

  6. I think that you should get a mother of the year award for letting him do this. I love seeing little kids dressed up for no reason. He is always going to remember how cool you are for letting him dress up whenever he wanted to.
