
Monday, October 27, 2008

Sick as a DOG

I have been infected by those disgusting germs and have been achy, sneezy, coughy, and DOPEY, for the past 4 days....I hate colds, I hate germs...I guess they know thats why they seem to attack me so much.....

And I've noticed that as I get older...they hit me harder...or maybe I'm just too old and can't tolerate being sickly so well....

Had about 5 BEN-GAY patches on my back, neck, shoulders etc.....yes that's right I smelled pretty....pretty like my 93 yr old Grammy....
Took nyquil, dayquil, motrin, eucanecia (however you spell it) lemon tea, chamomile name it I took it, popped it, swallowed it, sniffed it.....and still nothing seemed to work....
Yet as a dutiful entrepeneur (as I called myself) I spent my whole day yesterday filling out orders and packaging orders they can get to the lovely people who are having their soiree's in time....
So I will get back into the swing of blog things this week just in time for Halloween....toodles.
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