
Monday, April 6, 2009

My name is...

Vanessa and I'm a Coca-Cola addict. It's true, I've known I had a problem for years, but have been in denial, since everyone tells me how bad it is for you and how it makes holes in your stomach and all that nonesense...which I obviously don't pay attention to. I finally saw the light on friday when I opened a twelve can pack early in the morning (well not that early just after my coffee) and by 7pm that day they were all gone...yes it's true I had 12 cans of coke on friday.

Usually it doesn't phase me when I polish off a 2 liter bottle in one day...that bottle doesn't seem to hold enough...but when I saw 12 empty cans that sent a message..granted not a message that I should stop drinking coke it was more of a I-need-to-get-my-butt-to-target-and-buy-more kind of message.

Coke it's just like the juice of the gods to me. Why does it have to be so damn good? It just brings happiness it makes me want to:

Buy the world a home

And furnish it with love

Grow apple trees and honey bees

And snow white turtle doves.

I'd like to teach the world to sing

In perfect harmony

I'd like to buy the world a Coke

And keep it company

Now....That's the real thing!!!

Image: courtesy of here


  1. hahaha.... well I am a member of this club as well. I loooove coke.. coke mind you..not pepsi! It is so bad for you..but there is nothing like the sound of a brand new can being opened.... crack...hisss.. ahhh......

  2. You are too

    I can't drink regular soda, it gives me massive headaches. I drink diet instead but girl you take the cake on drinking the most in one day.

    Say no to cocai...I mean coke. :)

  3. Ha! All the while reading this I thought you were going to give it up! It was utterly shocking as I know your addiction to Coke is the same addiction I have to the Doctor...Dr. Pepper that is. Cheers to you!

  4. I love Coca Cola too! And I agree with Bella, Pepsi is not a worthy substitute. I'd rather have a ginger beer!

  5. lol that is fantastic. I'm so glad you didn't say you were giving it up! It makes me so much more secure in my own Coke a Cola addiction. :D

  6. My mom is the same way! she drinks a couple of 2 liters a day!

  7. lol... that's hysterical. Can't say i'm a soda fan but I do love my coffee!

  8. That is great! Especially since I am a needle rep by day. I'll have to save that picture and share it with my nurses:)

  9. Holy Moly...12 cans?!
    You would fit in perfectly with my sister's family. A home isn't a home without Coca-Cola in it.
    They just stopped at the Coca-Cola factory this week coming home from one of their family road trips! You should've seen the smiles on their faces...They were in heaven!

  10. Not even the diet version? Oh my, you must not have a stomach lining. Coke in the chilled original glass bottles is the bestest! BUT never buy foreign Coca Cola it never is the same I tell...
