
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Don't Judge a Book.....

BY IT'S COVER...if there ever was a moral to a story this is surely the one in this case. Maybe some of you have seen it, maybe some of you have not this video clip is from Britians Got Talent, it shows Susan Boyle a contestant as she makes her way to the stage to have her chance and compete. Just as she walks up to the stage you can start hearing chuckles from the audience and looks from the judges. Why? Why are people so judgemental? You can see the looks the judges give each other when she steps on the stage as well as those of the audience. This gets me so F****** MAD! I despise when people smirk at someone because they look different or don't look like what the media has brainwashed us with what pretty should be!

I was soooooo HAPPY and started to cry my eyes out when Susan started to sing and everyone felt like CRAP! You can see the shock in their faces when she starts singing and her amazing voice fills that hall. This is truly a perfect example of the horrible way we judge others. One of the judges even said afterwards "Susan when you walked on stage everyone was laughing at you, but there is no one laughing now."

Everyone should watch this video and let your children watch it too, it's a perfect lesson to teach your children at a young age that they should not judge others who might be different or look different.

Just remember that God made us all the same!

I couldn't get the video from youtube because it has been watched over 3 million times in one day and embedding is disabled

Britains Got Talent 2009 Susan Boyle (Singer) (Hq) - Funny videos are here


  1. She was AMAZING! I loved listening to her voice and could listen to her singing all day.

  2. I've watched this so many times and each time I totally tear up. I bet we'll be seeing her in a West End show soon! Wouldn't that be amazing. I love when half way through the song Simon is sitting with his head resting in his hands and he gives a completely goofy/happy smile and sigh.

  3. I watched it yesterday, too! I got chills & teary-eyed as well. She is amazing... =)

    Funny, cause I was going to blog about her, too!

  4. Wow!!! I had to watch it twice - what an amazing voice! It just proves that you can't judge a voice by appearances. Give that woman a job she wants as a professional singer, I say. I think I'll watch it again...

  5. Susan Boyle's voice is absolutely beautiful. I love watching that clip, gives me goosebumps!
