
Friday, May 1, 2009

Happiest Place on Earth...well sort of?

So I'm traveling in what happens to be the most feared time at the moment due to this swine flu outbreak. I'm not a person who easily falls to the hype and gets scared...but dammit I am! I am because the first outbreak occured within blocks from my home.

Where am I going? We're off to see the mouse as in Mickey. We will be arriving in good ol' Walt Disney this week and I'm prepared! I thought about canceling this trip, but hell no I'm not. I have been reading alot of information regarding the precautions you should take and I think I'm an expert now.

Just came back from Target where everyone else like me seemed to be shopping for hand sanitizers and wipes....and Target was sold out!

But I got my hands on the supplies we will be needing for this trip. I am so stocked up I can set up a street stand at a corner and sell face masks and purell if I wanted to. I will be sanitzing everything that is humanly possible.

That's right I will be sporting this if I feel that there is a need. Will wear some yellow flats to match.....make it stylish

Little Noses for my boy, been reading that you should spray your nose to keep it moist in certain conditions. Does all this certify me to become an expert...hmmmm?
Ben Gay: well it's not for the swine flu...just for my arthritis ( I have juvenile arthritis since I'm so young) thought I throw that in for some kicks and giggles
And airborne I will be downing a glass of this bad boy before I hop on that plane. I have a game plan, I feel like I'm preparing for battle instead of heading to the happiest place on earth. We will be leaving early next week and I have prepared some posts to keep you entertained while I am away...if I get the hang of it will post some pics via my blackberry....who knows there just might be a line of face mask wearing individuals waiting to ride It's A Small World.....


  1. wow, you sure are ready!!!! :) have a blast!!!

  2. Thank you! And yes I believe that I am do I need more sanitizing products? hmmmm...

  3. better safe than sorry right? i think you'll be fine and have a wonderful time in spite of the swine flu. disney is so so fun!

  4. Good for you, enjoy! Those pics look like my desk drawer...heehee. You can never be too clean!

  5. Can't say you're not prepared!!! Have a wonderful time!!

    Pearle xxx

  6. This sounds like me 4 years ago when we took my son (15 mo. at the time) to his first trip to Disney! AND there wasn't Swine Flu then! I was just nuts.
    You certainly are prepared...but the yellow flats are a must :)

    Have fun and did I mention...I'm SOOO jealous. Say HI to Mickey for me!
