
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Cupcake Stop

I love cupcakes. Everyone loves cupcakes. Lev Ekster is a genius.

Who is Lev Ekster? you ask. Well he is the genius behind Cupcake Stop, New York City's first mobile cupcake shop! Lev Ekster was a law student six months ago, but with the economy going down the drain and not being able to secure a job at a law firm, he came up with this brilliant idea!

We all know that cupcake shops around the city and around the country are usually packed with customers wanting these little marvels of goodness. So why not bring the cupcakes to the people?

Yesterday was the first day that Cupcake Stop was driving around the streets of NYC and by the looks of it...things are going well.

You can follow Cupcake Stop on Twitter if you live in the NYC area to see where they will be "driving" through on a particular day."Cupcake Stop plans to donate leftover cupcakes to City Harvest, a charity that redistributes unused food from New York restaurants and vendors to the homeless" via CNN


  1. OMG! Brilliant! I wish I lived in NYC!

  2. Now that's WAY better than the Ice Cream Man!!!

  3. We barely get Mr Softee here! Mobile cupcakes, that would be awesome!!

  4. I made a cup cake bear puzzle today. I love cupcakes, this mobile cupcake is an awesome idea. No one will come to my little town and deliver, with NYC was closer.
