
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The High Line NYC

Over the weekend the hubs, my bouncing baby boy and I took a little ride downtown to one of my favorite areas in NYC.. the Meatpacking District
(if you're not from NY and don't know what the meat packing industry is a little summary: "Not so long ago, the trendiest thing worn in the Meatpacking District was a blood-stained apron. Now, Gansevoort Market (as the district is officially known) is New York’s most fashionable neighborhood, chock full of hip restaurants, exclusive clubs, and paycheck-draining boutiques. Despite the haute onslaught, the neighborhood has managed to retain its blue-collar edge, thanks to the many wholesale meat companies which still operate out of the warehouses between Gansevoort and West 15 Streets. By night, however, the district is transformed, as butchers and meat-cutters disappear, and magazine editors, models, and a stream of Sarah Jessica Parker look-alikes take their place" via Jon Steinberg
to walk around the high line.

What is the high line you ask?

The High Line is a 1.45-mile-long elevated, steel structure built in the 1930s to carry freight trains. It currently runs from Gansevoort Street, in the Meatpacking District, through the West Chelsea gallery neighborhood, ending at 34th Street, next to the Jacob Javits Convention Center. The last train ran on it in 1980

And what they have done is nothing but lovely, they have transformed these old rail tracks into a park. It is just gorgeous to look down at the NYC skyline and the Hudson River. It was turned into this great idea to preserve NYC's industrial history.

Target was sponsoring a lovely festival and we just had a great time!

If you live or will be in the NYC area I suggest you go check it out

Pictures via Me and The Highline

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