
Thursday, July 16, 2009

I LOVE my job not my BUTT!

I've been self-employed for the past 12 yrs. First I was running the family biz which I was the boss which meant I didn't do much besides making sure my employees were doing their job and locking myself in my office sitting on my butt doing paper work and wasting time on facebook.

Four years ago I opened up my stationery company which meant that I sat on my butt the whole day designing, answering e-mails and wasting time on facebook.

Which has led me to acquire some ailments:

1. Carpel Tunnel Syndrome: where my hand and whole arm hurts like a bitch, granted I haven't exactly been diagnosed with carpel tunnel by my doctor but I have for sure diagnosed it myself. Thank You Web MD.

2. Big Ol'Butt: Well let's just say my entire body is going towards the BIG route. I love my job so much that sometimes I just don't eat because I'm so busy designing and making stationery...well let me re-phrase that most of the time I just eat junk, cause I don't want to get up and make a healthy anything so I grab the most delicious chips and soda that are around. And my interns well they are just really young chicks who can eat anything and not gain a pound! I Hate them! If it wasn't for their free labor...I would kick those girls to the curb. And I have such a bad Coke addiction (coca-cola folks.coca-cola) that my friends tell me that if I stop drinking it I will lose like 5 pounds right away. One of my friends who will remain nameless. TERESA. sent me an article about the Coca-cola co. and all these horrid facts....that by reading that alone it should stop me from drinking it. And if it doesn't then there is something definitely wrong with me.

Image from flowgo. don't click because the link doesn't work and if it did I have no idea to what craziness it might lead you too!

I haven't done much exercise...because well I don't feel like it have the time. I use to run around after my child...but now he is bigger and all his activites require a chauffeur...which is me...hence all I do is drive around sitting on my butt after I got up from my desk after having sat on my butt.

My hubby which from here on shall be referred to as "Mr. Paper Chick" (thanks to Molly Lou, because I just love the way she refers to her hubby as Mr. Molly Lou that I will be following in her ever so funny footsteps) well Mr. Paper Chick says that I look fab and I should not lose one pound....but I know the man is LYING. He wants to avoid WWIII from erupting in our home or any costly legally fees from any divorce proceedings that might occur if he were to say the wrong thing.

So I'm trying my hardest to eat healthy (do low fat cookies count?) and try to get up from my desk sitting on my big ol' butt and do some sort of physical activity (does taking a couple of steps to my printer count?)

So I will keep you updated with this torturous task I have at willpower SUCKS!!! Well I must go now...the lowfat cookies are calling my name.


  1. I just died laughing!

  2. Girl, we all have butt issues. :(

    I went to my doctor and told her I had no energy to work out. I asked her to prescribe something from the phen family of drugs. After insulting me, she suggested that I work out 20 min a day. "That's all you need"...


    Hand in there my friend. At least we're funny bitches! lol...

  3. My hand does the same thing! It hurts so bad at night I could cry!! :( Your blog is precious! Would you like to add one another as followers to help increase traffic and network?:)

  4. Sounds great..I don't know how to follow until I see you on my followers list:) oops...technically unilclined-haha! As soon as I see you on my list I will click "follow" and it adds you to my list!:) Also, I LOVE your header! Where did you find it!?

  5. LOL! I hear you loud and clear!

  6. lolololol!!!! You are too funny! I just about peed my pants here.. and in my condition , You know thats possible!!! and thank you for the shout out! lol!! got sick of the blueberries huh?

  7. hahahha....i soooo get you!!! Its always the butt.

    aniways, am loving your nastee notes..

    check out my blog too!

  8. I just LOVE you!
