
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Halloween Pumpkin Transfers

I'm a crafty chick. I even have a tee- shirt that says "I'm super crafty." But when it comes to pumpkin carving there's no way around it....I SUCK!

So instead of trying, I took the high road this year. That's right I let Martha (as in Stewart) do the work for me. We all know Martha is a domestic goddess, who else can turn a little square of toilet paper into a crafy masterpiece? Noone. Except Martha.

So how happy was I during my weekly visit to Michaels, that I found these awesome Pumkin transfers by Martha. It's like a tattoo for your pumpkin. So easy. So beautiful.

Look at these lovelies I made (thanks to Martha) still have more to do and will post those pics later on this month...let me know what you think

1 comment:

  1. Those look fantastic! Great job to you and Marhat;)
